Thursday, July 17, 2014

Purge Anarchy

Acting: Mediocre
Story:  The government makes crime(theft, rape, murder, etc.) legal for 12 hours in the attempt to control the population.
Action: Lots
Comparison to first purge: A little better than the first. It exceeded my expectations.

Not the best film I have ever seen and there were some weird previews... But it did keep you on the edge of your seat pretty much the entire film so there's that. Also, some of the "purgers" were pretty sweet looking. There is something really creepy about killers with skull face-painting and hockey masks.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Movies ruined by last minute changes

Yea, yea. But what about Hancock? Well I guess it wasn't all that awesome.

Pretty Interesting

Check out these sweet pics I found from the legendary Dark Knight

Dark Knight Photo Shoot?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

WOW... Wow is all I can say. Just got back from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and I couldn't be more pleased. Epic Movie! It has everything the first one had and then some. I recommend seeing it ASAP. I couldn't believe how spectacularly human-like the apes were.

Out of 100% movie quality, I would give it a 95%. Seriously. It might be the best action movie I have seen since The Dark Knight Rises.